Figure Legend Meaning
The methods include all and no more than the necessary details to understand the figure without referring back to the body text. The results show the key findings as seen in the figure.
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Figure legend meaning. The title should describe what the figure is about. A photograph of you actually doing something might be nice too. The value of n ie the sample size or the number of independently performed experiments must be stated in the figure legend.
Traces that support legend items also support the legendgroup attribute and all traces with the same legend group are treated the same way during clickdouble-click interactions. Include an explanation of all symbols patterns lines colors non-standard abbreviations scale bars and error bars standard deviation or standard error as well as any other potentially non-intuitive features in the figure itself. It is essential that n the number of independent results is carefully distinguished from the number of replicates which refers to repetition of measurement on one individual in a single condition or multiple measurements of the same or.
Legends or captions explain figures tables or images in the manuscript. Defaults to axesbbox if called as a method to Axeslegend or figurebbox if Figurelegend. A legend is a genre of folklore that consists of a narrative featuring human actions believed or perceived both by teller and listeners to have taken place in human history.
Flowchart of patient selection. As you know using of figures and tables in research papers serves the purpose of providing illustrative description of the subject matter. Narratives in this genre may demonstrate human values and possess certain qualities that give the tale verisimilitude.
An explanation of features in the figure. Figure legends tend to be longer than table legends. A written or printed symbol representing something other than a letter especially a number.
Most of the familiar depictions of. Bbox coordinates are interpreted in the coordinate system given by bbox_transform with the default transform Axes or Figure coordinates depending on which legend is called. Most flowcharts should be built using only the StartEnd and Action or Process symbols and should follow a very basic set of best practices.
Place the legend in. Figure legends should support your figure entirely meaning that the reader of your paper should be able to understand your figure paired with its legend without going to the results or methods sections to see what you say about your observations or how the experiment was done. Usually the first sentence or phrase is an overview of what is in the figure.
Instead use intuitive or. Legend also has it that the flute playing also symbolized the transition of winter to spring. If more than the most basic flowchart symbols appear in your diagram it is good practice to include a legend or symbol key.
Keep everything as short as possible. The Acid Test for Tables and Figures. How to use legend in a sentence.
If the results shown in a figure have been tested with an inferential test it is appropriate to summarize the outcome of the test in the graph so that your reader can quickly grasp the significance of the findings. An amount represented in numbers. An effective legend is the key to help a figure stand alone.
Legends may be transformed over time in order. Carvings of this. Any Table or Figure you present must be sufficiently clear well-labeled and described by its legend to be understood by your intended audience without reading the results section ie it must be able to stand alone and be interpretable.
Flute-playing Casanova is a sacred figure to many Southwestern Native Americans. A figure legend is a chunk of text that accompanies each figure in a laboratory report. Legend for its active and passive participants may include miracles.
Figure legends are a key element of scientific writing whether for a journal paper dissertation or PhD thesis. This argument allows arbitrary placement of the legend. What is a figure legend.
See more meanings of legend. The meaning of legend is a story from the past that is believed by many people but cannot be proved to be true. This context is called the legend the short textual information that guides the reader in interpreting what they see.
It is imperative that you include information in your Materials and Methods or in the figure legend to explain. Also label any other aspect of your figure that might not be readily understoodAvoid naming conventions that are only used by your organization. In the figure not the legend define any symbols abbreviations colors lines scales error bars etc.
Figure legends should be self-explanatory. The fact that legend items are linked to traces means that when using discrete color a figure must have one trace per color in order to get a meaningful legend. Place a minimum of text in the figure and use the legend for more lengthy explanations.
An example is Figure 1. A well written figure legend can make all the difference between a legend that conveys useful information about your methods or results and one that is almost incomprehensible. A very old story or set of stories from ancient times or the stories not always true that.
Image by John Snow 1853 Figure 1. Its purpose is to explain the figure clearly and thoroughly providing readers with all the information necessary to understand the figure without returning to the main text of the lab report. Similarly what legends or captions.
Legends can briefly describe the experiment answer the question and even include statistics if you so choose unlike a manuscript figure legend. If the legend begins with a sentence include a period at the end of the sentence.
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