Matplotlib Figure Legend Example
These examples are extracted from open source projects. To create a draggable legend in matplotlib we can take the following steps.
Anatomy Of A Figure Matplotlib 3 1 2 Documentation
To place the legend on the bottom change the legend call to.

Matplotlib figure legend example. Figlegend loc7 to create a legend for all. Use the set_title Function to Add a Title to the Legend in Matplotlib Figures. Add an axesAxes to the figure as part of a subplot.
A recurring problem that I often face is customizing figure legend. Pltscatter method is used to plot scatter graph. In this case you can either use axes for figure legend methods.
The difference is just whether the tuple of coordinates is. If you call pltlegend or axlegend more than once the first legend is removed and a new one is drawn. Python Matplotlib Tips.
Create x and y points using numpy. The complete code would be. Legend is a small box that tells about the data plotted on the graph.
According the official documentation. The following are 30 code examples for showing how to use matplotlibpyplotfigure. This module is used to control the default spacing of the subplots and top level container for all.
In this case you can either use axes for figure legend methods. Using the figure method create a new figure or activate an existing figure for Line plot and Legend plot figures. Matplotlib is highly customizable and having a huge code base means it might not be easy to find what I need quickly.
MatplotlibfigureFigurelegend in Python. When youre using bbox_to_anchor think of the location kwarg as controlling. Although Matplotlib website provides excellent document I decided to write down some tricks that I found useful on the topic of handling figure legends.
This tutorial explains matplotlibs way of making python plot like scatterplots bar charts and customize th components like figure subplots legend title. In the above example we import pyplot and numpy matplotlib modules. Axlegend locupper center bbox_to_anchor 05 -005 shadowTrue ncol2 Take into account that we set the number of columns two ncol2 and set a shadow.
The following are 30 code examples for showing how to use matplotlibpyplotFigureThese examples are extracted from open source projects. Use the title Parameter to Add a Title to the Legend in Matplotlib Figures. To create a draggable legend use set_draggable method where stateTrueIf stateFalse then we cant drag the legend.
Import matplotlibpyplot as plt x1 1 2 3 y1 4 5 6 x2 1 3 5 y2 6 5 4 pltplotx1 y1 labelDataset_1 pltplotx2 y2 labelDataset_2 pltlegendlocbest pltshow Location String Location Code eg. When youre using bbox_to_anchor think of the location kwarg as controlling the horizontal and vertical alignment. Alternatives A figure legend.
In order to do this you will need to create a global legend for the figure instead of creating a legend at the axes level which will create a separate legend for each subplot. Interactive time-scale stock price figure using Python matplotlibpyplot and mpld3. The figure module provides the top-level Artist the Figure which contains all the plot elements.
For example to set the legend box to the right of the plot area. Subplots_adjust right 08 Add the legend Pass figtransFigure as the bounding box transformation bbox_transform loccenter left and bbox_to_anchor08 05 indicate the left border of the legend is placed at 08 in the x axis of the figure and it is vertically centered at y 05 ax. Python how to add a figure legend at the best position.
Legend loc center left. In either case bbox_to_anchor is the key. This has become especially useful for matplotlib version 21 where no special arguments are needed.
You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you dont like and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. For example to put the legends upper right-hand corner in the center of the axes or figure the following keywords can be used. As youve already noticed bbox_to_anchor specifies a tuple of coordinates or a box to place the legend at.
To get the legend as a separate picture we can take the following steps. Loc upper right bbox_to_anchor 05 05 ncol. In either case bbox_to_anchor is the key.
You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you dont like and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. Sometimes you will have a grid of subplots and you want to have a single legend that describes all the lines for each of the subplots as in the following image. A patch nothing but a 2D artist with face color and edge color.
Import numpy as np import matplotlibpyplot as plt generate random data for plotting x nplinspace0010050 y2 x2 y3 x3 y4 x4 y5 x5 plot 5 lines in the axes pltplotxy2labely2x pltplotxy3labely3x pltplotxy4labely4x pltplotxy5. It is used to explain the graph by telling which element or color represents what data. Below is a simple example of this.
This page shows how to generate interactive figure using python matplotlibpyplot and mpld3. One may use a legend to the figure instead of the axes matplotlibfigureFigurelegend. How to position and align a matplotlib figure legend.
Matplotlib legend on bottom. After this we define data using arange sin and cos methods of numpy. Place the legend for plot line1 and line2 with ordered lables at location 1 using legend method.
Import matplotlibpylab as plt fig ax pltsubplots1 1 figsize106 make the figure with the size 10 x 6 inches figsuptitleExample of a Legend Being Placed Outside of Plot The data x 1 2 3 y1 1 2 4 y2 2 4 8 y3 3 5 14 Labels to use for each line line_labels Item A Item B Item C Create the lines assigning different colors for each one. This has been done so that it is possible to call legend repeatedly to update the legend to the latest handles on the Axes. Create two lines line1 and line2 using plot method.
Explained in simplified parts so you gain the knowledge and a clear understanding of how to add modify and layout the various components in a plot. To create a legend with a color box patches are used provided by the matplotlibpatches module. Pltlegend method is used to add a legend to the plot and we pass the bbox_to_anchor parameter to specify legend position outside of the plot.
As youve already noticed bbox_to_anchor specifies a tuple of coordinates or a box to place the legend at. First make room on the right side of the figure. To add grid for the whole figure instead simple use pltgrid True import matplotlibpyplot as plt import numpy as np generate sample data for this example x nplinspace0010050 y nprandomuniformlow0high10size50 HERE linewidth and linestyle are some of the options you can set gca means Get Current Axis pltgcagrid.
Learn matplotlib - Multiple Legends on the Same Axes. Matplotlib is a library in Python and it is numerical mathematical extension for NumPy library. The stock information of the appleinc is used as the example to plot.
Get the legend as a separate picture in Matplotlib. May-22 2021 Updated.
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